Iestyn Davies
Iestyn Davies
Iestyn Davies is an HE and FE campaigner, and a Post-16 Education Conultant. He was previously Pro Vice Chancellor at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David from May 2022 to March 2023, developing a network of Further Education Institutions to work together to enhance the provision of higher level technical qualifications. Together, the University and four FEIs, Cardiff and Vale College, Coleg Sir Gar and Coleg Ceredigion, NPTC Group of Colleges and Pembrokeshire College are establishing the University of Wales Technical Institutes to enable learners and students to have access to a range of qualifications that allow effective career progression though college, university and workbased learning routes.
Prior to joining the university, he was the CEO of CollegesWales the FE representative body in Wales.
Iestyn studied Philosophy and Welsh at undergraduate level and having worked in the field of PR, Policy and Public Affairs he studied Political Communications as well as business administration returning to university whilst working full time.